“I’m the University of North Carolina. That pretty much says it.”
The back story.

“I’m the University of North Carolina. That pretty much says it.”

The back story.

“My athletic records are SO SECRET even the Attorney General can’t see them.”
The back story.

“My athletic records are SO SECRET even the Attorney General can’t see them.”

The back story.

“I think public campus crime records are a ‘suggestion.’”
The back story.

“I think public campus crime records are a ‘suggestion.’”

The back story.

“I made reporters SUE ME to get the emails a booster sent the football coach — because they’re ‘confidential education records.’”
The back story.

“I made reporters SUE ME to get the emails a booster sent the football coach — because they’re ‘confidential education records.’”

The back story.

“I started my own private police, so now all the crimes are a secret.”
The back story.

“I started my own private police, so now all the crimes are a secret.”

The back story.

People who request public records shouldn't be treated like dogs. It's time we taught our government some obedience. Because even a university president can learn new tricks. Sometimes.

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