Delivering the Promise of Berkeley

Delivering the Promise of Berkeley

For over 55 years, the Educational Opportunity Program at Berkeley has provided first generation, low-income, and underrepresented college students with the guidance and resources necessary to succeed at the best public university in the world.

EOP academic counselors and student staff work alongside amazing students who, despite their unique responsibilities and challenges, transform their lives through academic achievement and personal growth. EOP’s individualized academic counseling, comprehensive support services, and extensive campus referral network help students develop the unique gifts and talents they each bring to the university while empowering them to achieve. 

Students can meet with an EOP Academic Counselor through our same-day appointments or by making a pre-scheduled appointment in advance (details below). For community presentations or tabling requests, please click here to complete our request form at least 2 weeks in advance of your event.

Sign up here to receive our Monthly EOP newsletter to learn more about upcoming events, resources and opportunities!