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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

for questions about the correct order of words in a phrase, or a sentence.
1243 questions
for questions about words or phrases that have multiple meanings and can thus be understood in different ways. If your question is about different words that can be easily mixed up or con…
1126 questions
Questions about the writing style of a particular sentence, phrase or construction in English. Questions asking for advice on writing style are off-topic.
1112 questions
Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause, such as "and," "but," and "if."
1104 questions
for questions related to usage of the past tense in English.
1100 questions
Agreement between a verb and its subject for number and person.
1083 questions
for questions related to the formation, or answering of questions.
1065 questions
An antonym is a word with a meaning opposite to another word.
1038 questions
How and why certain phrases are used in varying ways within various contexts.
1008 questions
for questions about the use of capital letters in writing.
1003 questions
Questions about the history and trends of the English language.
974 questions
Determining English equivalents for words or phrases in other languages (that is, translation into English). We don't actually do translations: we can try and help you with your own translation. Pleas…
973 questions
for questions about formal (versus informal) words and usage. The question must identify a particular concern about the formality of the word or phrase at issue, and specify the target con…
902 questions
Questions about the possessive, one of several constructions that describe ownership or association between two objects.
893 questions
for questions about the definite article.
837 questions
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, or phrase, typically created by taking initial letters for example OEM for Original Equipment Manufacturer or shortening the word, for example 'Tues' for…
832 questions
A hyphen is a symbol used to join two words or two syllables of a single word together. It is not to be confused with dashes or the minus symbol, as these are all longer than the hyphen and serve diff…
831 questions
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.
711 questions
An independent clause that refers to a hypothetical situation contingent on another set of circumstance.
704 questions
For questions about the origin of a phrase or an expression. Also consider the 'etymology' tag.
686 questions
The passive voice is a grammatical construction (a "voice") in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent).
668 questions
for questions related to mutually intelligible variations within a language.
665 questions
for questions about parts of speech. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
658 questions
Negation is the process that turns an affirmative statement (e.g. "I am American") into its opposite denial (e.g. "I am not American").
650 questions
Modal verbs (such as can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, and must) combine with verbs in the bare infinitive to express information about the verb such as possibility or necessity.
640 questions
for questions about pejorative language. Pejorative language is any language that portrays someone or something in a negative light, no matter whether it is intended to be disparaging and …
627 questions
Questions relating to the use of numbers or numerals in English.
612 questions
Questions relating to semantics, the study of meaning.
612 questions
A ɢᴇʀᴜɴᴅ is a type of verb, in particular an -ɪɴɢ verb that heads a non-finite verb clause when that entire clause is being used as a noun phrase, typically as the subject or object of a finite claus…
602 questions
Questions about verbs in their basic (unmarked) forms, such as “be”, “do”, “have”, or “sit”, sometimes introduced by the particle “to” and other times used by itself.
600 questions
Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them.
597 questions
Questions relating to the use of the apostrophe (’).
592 questions
Topics related to time in written or spoken English
587 questions
Questions related to the English Perfect Construction, which is sometimes called "the present perfect tense".
584 questions
Questions about putative differences between spelling and pronunciation.
576 questions
Choosing the best phrase FROM A GIVEN SELECTION for a particular context or meaning.
567 questions
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