IAASS Joseph P. Loftus Space Sustainability Award
CFO, Nobuhiro Matsuyama receives on behalf of Astroscale at the award in Osaka, Japan.
We won the IAASS Joseph P. Loftus Space Sustainability Award! 🏆👏 

The award recognizes our dedication to preserving the space environment for future generations and we are absolutely delighted to be honored with it.  

Big thanks to our supporters and IAASS!  
HQ move completed

Astroscale’s global headquarters and Astroscale Japan have moved to a new building. Check out the address details.

G7 pledge to reduce space debris

We attended the G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting in Sendai and the Hiroshima Summit last month, where we emphasized the importance of tackling the space debris issue and introduced our services. 
Given the stature of the participants and the gravity of the discussions, we are thrilled to see that space sustainability has a dedicated section (Section 41) in the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué. Section 41 represents the the G7 leaders’ commitment to promoting the safe and sustainable use of outer space by addressing the challenges posed by space debris.   

Read our statement

Generation 2 Docking Plate

Astroscale introduces the Generation 2 Docking Plate, setting new standards for on-orbit servicing. 🛰️  

Our docking plate: 
✅ Tackles orbital debris 
✅ Promotes smart satellite operations 
✅ Simplifies end-of-life management 

Read the press release

ELSA-M mission patch release

We have released our ELSA-M mission patch!
The ELSA-M IOD (in orbit demonstration) will cover the mission through rendezvous and close proximity operations up to the capture of an existing OneWeb client satellite.  

Our ELSA-M servicer will provide a solution to capture and de-orbit multiple clients satellites per servicer safely and responsibly in a single mission and will be the first to demonstrate this capability.  The servicer will also be built in-house at Astroscale’s UK clean room facility, Zeus.

ELSA-M - Astroscale, Securing Space Sustainability

Orbiter launch on website

Our new video game ORBITER is LIVE! 🕹️

Get ready to embark on a perilous mission to maneuver your servicer satellite through the debris-cluttered cosmos. Your objective is clear: avoid collisions, chart a course to your client, and don't become space debris!

Over the past 10 years, Astroscale has been dedicated to developing innovative solutions to address the growing volume of space debris and ensure the long-term sustainability of our orbital environment.
ORBITER by Astroscale allows all ages to experience the impacts of debris to space operations – and have fun doing so!


Coming up
July 6: Our Founder & CEO, Nobu Okada, will be a keynote speaker at Spacetide in Tokyo, where he will discuss the space environment and our industry's development. If you’re in Tokyo, don't miss out! Registration and agenda
Catch up
  • Our UK team was at Space-Comm Expo at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre on June 7 and 8. Our Commercial Director, Andrew Faiola, was on the panel “Space Sustainability: Building on SSA Capabilities and Debris Mitigation Strategies” at the Keynote Theatre on the June 8.
  • A few members of our global team headed to Singapore for Asia Tech.
    We had a special visit at our booth from the U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Marisa Lago, and U.S. Ambassador Jonathan KaplanRon Lopez spoke at Asia Satellite Business Week on the panel “On-space Activities Taking Off”, and Ryan Reel spoke at AVIA Satellite Industry Forum on the panel “How are Manufacturers Scaling Up Capabilities for the Future & Coping with Today’s Problems.”
    Thanks to those who stopped by our booth!
  • Astroscale was in New York for the 5th Summit for Space Sustainability, hosted by Secure World Foundation. We’ve been tackling challenges in sustainable space policy for years so were naturally very excited to attend and participate. 
    Carolyn Belle was a huge success during her pitch at the Summit! At Astroscale, we all support circular economy concepts, and after her presentation the crowd thought so too. Congratulations Carolyn for bringing home the win! 
    We also sponsored a Young Professional Networking Breakfast. Young professionals enthusiastic about sustainability are vital for a company like ours, and we were pleased with the turnout and happy to meet everyone.
    And finally, Chris Blackerby, spoke on Euroconsult and Milibank’s SSA & space sustainability panel. “We better act now — clean-up economics are a lot more expensive than prevention economics” — Astroscale COO, Chris Blackerby 
  • Ron Lopez, Astroscale U.S. President and Managing Director, headed down under to talk about managing spacecraft up above on a space domain awareness, traffic management, and sustainability panel at the Australasia Satellite Forum in Sydney on June 14.
  • Space debris and crowded orbits—a universal challenge! Chris Blackerby spoke on a panel at "Sustainable Space - Resilient Earth”, hosted by Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo). They talked about the problems and solutions to making space sustainable. 
  • Charity Weeden, VP of Global Space Policy and Government Relations at Astroscale U.S., gave an enthralling speech at the 2023 Humans to Mars Summit. “It's true that in our line of work, optimism is an essential trait. How else can we muster the creativity and energy to do the seemingly impossible?” You can watch her speech here.
  • 🎧 Can't believe it's been 10 years since Astroscale embarked on its space sustainability journey. 🚀 Join Nobu as he tells us his inspiring story and vision. Tune in to Finding Founders to get inspired! The interview is also on YouTube.
  • 🎧 Take a listen to Space Watch Global’s  "Space Cafè Radio - from 38th Space Symposium - with Andrew Faiola", our Astroscale UK Commercial Director.
  • 🎧 Check out Jack Deasy, the Astroscale U.S. VP of Business Development & Advanced systems, a panelist on the SSPI webinar “Services: Catching Asteroids, Cleaning Debris & Data Mining”. Listen here.  

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