Welcome to the November issue! At 902 words, it will take you only 7 minutes to catch up on all the latest from Astroscale.

🌎 ‘Twas the month before the holidays when all throughout Earth, 
🏛️ Space sustainability policies made strides, so let’s recap, for what it’s worth!


It was the first time Astroscale was represented at the International Telecommunication Union's World Radiocommunication Conference in Dubai where we contributed to a newly adopted Resolution on space sustainability. This resolution calls for guidance on safe and efficient deorbit and/or disposal strategies and methodologies, and explicitly considers in-orbit servicing and active debris removal technologies. 

Our CTO, Mike Lindsay sat down for an interview to explain why we were there and why we are advocating for spectrum allocations to consider on-orbit servicing missions for future space sustainability! 

Mike Lindsay, CTO, at RA-23
ESA Zero Debris Charter

The Zero Debris Charter has been released and is to be signed by all space actors ready to commit to a more sustainable future in space. We are proud to have played our part in developing the ESA-led charter! Fostering a community of proactive actors is key to achieving a safe, stable, and sustainable space environment.
The U.S. Senate took a huge step forward in an effort to address orbital debris by unanimously approving S. 447, the ORBITS Act of 2023. It's encouraging to see Congress taking action to address the importance of space sustainability and the establishment of a demonstration program for the active remediation of debris!
Anti ASATs
Astroscale, along with 25 other space companies, have signed a statement supporting international efforts to stop direct-ascent antisatellite tests that create space debris. Learn more about the statement and why it’s so important for space sustainability.
10 years strong
We recently held Part II of Astroscale’s 10-year anniversary festivities and this time we celebrated with the international community at our headquarters in Tokyo. We were so thrilled to have a number of VIP guests join us, including:
  • The Rt. Hon. Greg Clark MP and Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Japan
  • British Ambassador to Japan, Julia Longbottom
  • Ambassador of Israel to Japan, Gilad Cohen
  • Luxembourg Ambassador to Japan, Pierre Ferring
  • Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy Tokyo, Raymond Greene
  • Japanese astronaut, Koichi Wakata
  • Plus, NASA, CNES, and Swiss Embassy representatives.
Thank you again to everyone who joined us and we hope to see you at the next milestone event! 

Around the world

Coming up
  • Dec. 4-7: We are at the Second International Orbital Debris Conference in Texas to share everything on how to be green in orbit, from debris removal, mission design, inspection, and operational best practices.
  • Dec. 6: G’day space friends! We’re sponsoring AND exhibiting the 16th Australian Space Forum in Sydney. Make sure to drop by our booth to hear more about how our services will transform the future space economy. 
We had great conversations with our suppliers and customers at Space Tech Expo in Bremen again this year! Andrew Faiola, Commercial Director of Astroscale UK, joined a panel on in-orbit servicing, highlighting the importance of having frameworks of debris mitigation and that “some actors are able to exceed but just doing nothing is no longer acceptable...”. See you all in Bremen next year! 
British astronaut Tim Peake with Nick Shave, Managing Director of Astroscale UK
The UK team had a wonderful time engaging with our stakeholders and sharing how our UK ADR mission, COSMIC, is progressing. Some key highlights: British astronaut Tim Peake coming to learn more about our company's development, our main partners working on COSMIC all gathering at our stand, and the brand new launch of our COSMIC SIMULATOR! Keep your eyes peeled for an online version and experience capturing debris with a robotic arm yourself. 🦾

In the media

Andrew Faiola, Commercial Director of Astroscale UK with SpaceWatch.Global
  • A big thank you to Connectivity Business News for awarding us the New Space Innovation Award during its inaugural Connectivity Next Innovation Awards of 2023 for our “exceptional work in debris mitigation robotics” with special mention of ADRAS-J as a pioneering mission that will showcase steps toward a sustainable orbital environment. 
  • The Economist wrote a piece on Japan’s economy at a turning point and the new class of Japanese founders with global ambitions were interviewed including our very own Nobu Okada. 
  • The latest Future Space Webinar, hosted by ViaSatellite features Kristin Shahady, Business Development Manager from Astroscale U.S. and the panel discusses everything from space debris, space situational awareness, the technologies and solutions being deployed, plus the value of the space sustainability economy itself, and how government and private investment in green space tech will pay off in the future.
  • Interesting Engineering compiled a list of 11 companies tackling the debris issue and the work we are doing was included, highlighting ADRAS-J as a world first to safely approach and characterize a piece of large debris in orbit.
  • SpaceWatch.Global swung by our booth during Space Tech Expo in Bremen and chatted to two members of Astroscale UK, Andrew Faiola, Commercial Director, and Bethan McAulay, Talent Acquisition Manager, about our pioneering technical solutions and how we attract top talent to take on audacious challenges like on-orbit servicing.  
  • Refueling has been named a priority for Space Force and Astroscale U.S.’s contract to develop a refueling prototype was highlighted in SpaceNews as a way for the U.S. government to open new possibilities in space.
  • The Telegraph and The Federal give a rundown of space debris including the strategies to combat the issue from imposing fines to technical solutions. 
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