Zhivopisnyy Most, Moscow, Russia
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CREEES is a center of interdisciplinary intellectual exchange; a community of students, scholars, and practitioners; and a resource for anyone with a passion for all matters Russian, East European and Eurasian.

Congratulations to the CREEES class of 2024! On Sunday, June 16, Helena Eglit, Nazrin Garibova, Anna Harvey, Artur Kalandarov, Mátyás Kisiday, Grant Thieroff graduated from CREEES’s one-year interdisciplinary Master's program. Over their year, the cohort has studied historical and contemporary processes of change in the Russian Federation, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Their thesis research reflects a wide variety of topics, including: Divergent Paths of Populism in Eastern Europe: Examining the Origins and Emergence of Slovakian SMER and Estonian EKRE; Wayfaring the Caucasus: Reenvisioning the Region through the Movements that Shaped it; Building Putinism: National Mythology and Education in Russia, State-building Efforts in Occupied Ukraine, 2014-2023; Nation Building and Corruption in Viktor Orbán's Hungary and Different Resources; A Comparative Analysis of the Post-Soviet Development of Kazakhstan's Extractives Industries.

We wish our graduates much success as they embark on the next chapter of their academic and professional lives!

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Speaker: Benjamin Nathans