chat user since2015-01-11
last message2008d ago
last seen2008d ago
parent user Ixrec
41.9k 21 162 274


Owner of these rooms

The Restaurant at the End of the Univ

General discussion for https://scifi.stackexchange.com, both on-topic and off-topic. Engage at the risk of your own sanity, but please be nice and don't panic.
22h ago – DavidW
DavidW: 22h ago, 7178 posts (4%)SmokeDetector: 2d ago, 623 posts (0%)Alex: 27d ago, 13454 posts (8%)

Time and Relative Dimensions in Spoilers

Ooh, you've redecorated. I don't like it.
1628d ago – Adeptus

USCSS Nostromo

Spoiler discussion for the Alien franchise
2614d ago – DaaaahWhoosh

The Whiteboard

General Discussion for https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com Pants optional when telecommuting. Duga is a bot!
4h ago – Joachim

News room

Discuss current events
2830d ago – Rand al'Thor

Programmers CV-Please

Room for cleaning up crap, including close / delete / downvote / reopen / undelete. By entering this room you are inviting others to ping you for close and reopen votes. Starring should be used ONLY for bringing posts to the attention of others in the room for voting.
2971d ago – gnat