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1:43 PM
@mfloren I was ringed for tips. Don't know if I can be of much help, but what I'd suggest is to "just vote to close", but don't vote too many at the same time. Other people need to review them also and may not like having to consider 20 old posts every day.
At the moment there is only a handful (literally, only five people or so) that actively vote to close, so we need every one of them to be actually able to close questions.
However, when you see a question that lingers on three or four votes, for a day or two (which requires you to inspect the questions again), just raise a flag (for moderator intervention). The moderators will then check if the question should be closed and force-close them. When a moderator closes a question, namely, it does not require the 5-votes so they tend to be careful with their votes.
2 hours later…
3:17 PM
Here is a question where the mod was very convinced about closing it: cogsci.stackexchange.com/questions/17553/…
3:30 PM
@RobinKramer Thank you!
Appreciate the moderator advice: certainly a useful tool that I don't normally take advantage of.
2 hours later…
5:52 PM
Q: Question and answer review queues

ChrisThis is an extension of the question I asked on Differences in number of question reviews whereby I have now seen the queue rise to 11 pending reviews of questions and answers. As this is a peer community reviewed group, which relies on the peer community for moderation and effectiveness of the ...

2 hours later…
7:51 PM
@AliceD, I saw that you closed the question on homosexuality because some people were offended? Could you elaborate on that a little more? I think it is a little odd that feelings can get in the way of an unbiased scientific question/discussion
@RobinKramer there were people upset and a string of offensive revenge posts appeared. We are working on it.
ranging from transgenders to black people being mentally ill
These posts were deleted. This is bad stuff
8:10 PM
@AliceD I see, that makes sense. Such a shame that topics like this cannot be discussed in a normal manner but well, that's internet forums for ya (though I have to admit the question was a bit biased and ill researched)
3 hours later…
11:08 PM
I was also curious. Dissapointed it devolved into that!

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