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6:35 PM
I hope the election chat room doesn't die during the election.. That would be awkward.
lol, that would be
Pretty much just awaiting the inevitable though :)
1 hour later…
8:07 PM
wow. I just did some data queries, and you will not believe how few users have over 150 rep.
data explorer says we have ~8888 users ok (I don't know why that is less then on the home page); now users that have over 150 rep (and thus can vote) 453
How many have voted?
that means we already have a ~26% voter turn out. (that is impressively high.)
@NoviceInDisguise 120
Not bad so far
1 hour later…
9:14 PM
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them online, maybe you can ping the M.O.D.㆒Team.

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