Conversation started Jul 9, 2013 at 13:17.
Jul 9, 2013 1:17 PM
@toscho been enough time for new close reasons discussion you think?
Yes, I think so.
looking at them... 6 total, 2 are competing recommendations (need to pick one), 3 are specificity (need to pick one), last onme is syntax errors, which I don't quite like to spend slot on...
one be one, which do we pick for recommendations to replace current?
brasofilo more extensive than mine, agreed?
it has all the useful links
what do we use for too localized?
Jul 9, 2013 1:23 PM
"too long by 61 characters"
let me deal with this one first...
oh man
then remove the as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam
… and the last sentence
I am reshuffling links to cut down on characters and cutting some words...
> Asking to recommend a product (plugin, theme, book, hosting provider), tool, library or off-site resource is out of scope of the site, as it to attracts opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
0 left. works?
hehe, yes, do it
> Since you created this reason, another moderator must approve it
Jul 9, 2013 1:28 PM
ok, specificity... I like mine because it doesn't limit to programming, but your got in first and raked up votes :)
well, then take yours
126 chars left. maybe work in yours by mentioning programming as explicit example?
programming, HTML, CSS or JavaScript = 36 chars
> Questions should be specific to WordPress within defined scope (merely happening in its context, such as generic PHP/JS/HTML/CSS, is insufficient). Might be better asked at other site of SE network.
looks good
Jul 9, 2013 1:32 PM
93 left... maybe instead of whole network make it "Stack Overflow or other site..." ?
let them learn about the network
there are also database and webmasters questions
want to provide faster tunnel to SO :)
> Questions should be specific to WordPress within defined scope (merely happening in its context, such as generic PHP/JS/HTML/CSS, is insufficient). Might be better asked at Stack Overflow or other appropriate site of SE network.
nah, let SO out, use just the network link
your version had only SO :)
There were too lazy search in the first place, so we should help them learning that.
I didn’t vote for my suggestion. :)
Jul 9, 2013 1:36 PM
also statistically most of them probably would be heading to SO...
are there any other mods alive for tie breaker?..
Brady 4 hours ago
the rest … well
now we still need too localized
mine? "with extremely narrow requirement..." I tried to lump all cases together
> Questions about syntax errors, hacked sites, or plugins and themes whose code is not accessible are off-topic because they will not help any future visitors. See [How do I ask a good question?]
add "free work" case in some form
that should be covered by too broad
Jul 9, 2013 1:43 PM
I don't like "not help any future visitors", they might, they just suck for QA and most visitors
> Questions about broken, hacked, or invisible code …
syntax error is likely under generic PHP/stuff
also we need to say something about hosting issues (which is what current slot says)
> Your question sucks.
Should cover everything we forgot.
> Questions that are too localized (such as syntax errors, code with restricted access, hacked sites, hosting issues) are [not in scope], see [how do I ask a good question]
hm, okay
Jul 9, 2013 1:48 PM
reordered a bit for coherence
and worked in "too localized" so acquired reflexes kick in :)
I don’t like important things in brackets, but it will do for now.
hm, "hosting" to "hosting or support" to catch that stuff
Conversation ended Jul 9, 2013 at 13:51.