Department of Art and Art History Chair Susan Rather has accepted a three-year renewal of her appointment as chair. Rather has served as chair of the department since spring 2020, after a year as interim chair before that.
“I want to extend my sincere gratitude to Susan for her hard work these past five years as chair,” said Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, dean of the College of Fine Arts. “The department has benefitted from her strong work ethic, writing skills, organizational skills, responsiveness and close attention to detail. She served as a steady leader during the pandemic, brought transparency to operations in the department and has overseen a rapid transformation of the faculty body due to retirement and has worked with colleagues on a significant number of hires that position the unit for future success.”
Rather will be on leave for the fall semester, and Art History Professor Penelope Davies will serve as acting chair, effective Aug. 1. Rather will return to the chair role on Jan. 1.
June 18, 2024
Faculty & Staff
Art History