
Website Auditor for Windows

4.54.12 SEO Software(Trial version)

User rating

Website Auditor - Google-Friendly Tool

The Windows-based Website Auditor provides the most comprehensive and in-depth analysis tools for analyzing, rating, and monitoring any Windows website. There are several features available with this tool that will serve as an ideal companion to a website auditor. First, the Windows-based Website Auditor allows users to view the source code for any page, with the option to " Interpret Code" to get a more detailed view of the inner working of the application.

This application also allows users to perform an immediate link audit, in order to pinpoint the most effective links used to optimize a site. Additionally, the Website Auditor provides a list of all missing link paths, which greatly helps in the overall process of link building. This application also provides users with a list of all internal and external links, which can easily be compared and analyzed. The Site Auditor, being a Microsoft-powered tool, is able to quickly search and analyze HTML Meta tags, which helps in the creation of more effective search engine optimization strategies. Finally, the Website Auditor makes it possible to check for broken links, which greatly enhances site functionality.

Thus, it is very important to use a search engine optimization tool that allows you to quickly and easily perform a wide range of checks that are required to ensure your website is Google-friendly. For more information on how to audit the Windows-based Website Auditor and other Microsoft products, please visit the website Google Browser Help. You can also read more articles by Google Expert Staff.




Website Auditor 4.54.12 for Windows
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 7
Available languages:
  • English,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Dutch,
  • Polish
Trial version
Latest update:
Thursday, May 18th 2023
Author: SEO Software


Website Auditor for PC

4.54.12 SEO Software(Trial version)

User rating


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