
Seaside Multi Skype Launcher for Windows


the sz development(Free)

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A Seaside Multi Skin For Your Skype Account

Seaside Multi is a powerful program that enables users to simultaneously open multiple Skype messages on a particular computer. This is very helpful for people who frequently telecommute while away from their home office, or even while traveling. This software will allow any Windows based computer to view all the chats in order and will even allow you to manage them. It is a simple to use interface, and many people are finding that it is easier to manipulate the multiple chats than the multiple windows of the desktop. It is extremely useful for those who have multiple computers at home as well as work.

The way that Seaside Multi works is by allowing the windows to share a common workspace. Each of the individual accounts is tied into a parent windows, and when that window is activated, all the other windows are affected. This allows for each of your configured accounts to have a similar look and feel, and for the same information to be displayed to all the users, and not only to the person who activated the account. The program is especially useful if you use multiple Skype accounts, and you can synchronize your email as well as chat logs between all of the different accounts.

You can download the Seaside Multi Skype launcher from the web for free, and there are several positive user reviews for it. Many people find that it is easy to use, and the program certainly seems to have found a niche within the free software realm. The ability to run multiple Skype messages on one computer is also a remarkable feature. While most programs do allow you to do this, they often do not allow you to share any information between the accounts and may not have the same options that the Seaside Multi has. Because of its popularity, and the positive user reviews, I believe that you should take a chance and try out the Seaside Multi before purchasing it.




Seaside Multi Skype Launcher 1.38 for Windows
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 8
Latest update:
Tuesday, December 12th 2023
the sz development


Seaside Multi Skype Launcher for PC


the sz development(Free)

User rating


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