
RAR to ZIP Converter for Windows



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A free tool to convert RAR files to ZIP format

RAR to ZIP Converter is a free converter that changes RAR files to Zip files. The reason why this tool is so popular is that it lets you convert compressed files in RAR format to an easily-accessible format like ZIP. The program has a simple interface and is easy to use. All you have to do is choose the appropriate settings, and you’re good to go. 

To convert a file using RAR to ZIP Converter, all you have to do is select the file you wish to convert, enter the compression level you require and click on convert. Once that’s done, the software will take just a few seconds and make the file available to you. A few alternatives that offer similar features are KGB Archiver for Windows, Zip Files Opener for Windows and Free RAR Extract Frog for Windows

Why do you need RAR to ZIP Converter app?

If you wish to access files with RAR format and you don’t have the WinRAR application installed, you won’t be able to open the file. However, if you convert this file to ZIP, which is a commonly used format, you will be able to access the file without losing its quality. The RAR to ZIP Converter is a useful app that is easy to use and offers different compression levels for all types of RAR files. 


Does RAR to ZIP Converter have a simple interface?

One of the best things about the RAR to ZIP Converter is that it has a simple and clean interface. The program has a field for both RAR and ZIP files, and both these fields have an option for entering the password. The app also has a compression level range that ranges from zero compression to maximum or best compression. 

How do I convert a file using the RAR to ZIP Converter?

To convert a file head to the browser field on the dashboard. From here, open the RAR archive file that you wish to convert. Once that’s done, select the compression level, name the ZIP file and click on convert. If you choose the zero-level compression option, the conversion will be quick as it won’t take up too many system resources. 

What are the features of RAR to ZIP Converter?

RAR to ZIP Converter is a simple conversion application that you can download on your Windows computer. It works on all types of RAR files, including PDF files and JPG files. You can also select the compression levels before changing the RAR format to ZIP. In addition to this, you can also use the RAR to ZIP Converter tool to create RAR files

Is RAR to ZIP Converter free?

RAR to ZIP Converter is available for free and doesn’t require any payment. It also doesn’t have a licensing system. Additionally, the app doesn’t show any advertisements or have any premium plans with additional features. 

Should I download the RAR to ZIP Converter app?

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use application to convert RAR files to ZIP, then check out RAR to ZIP Converter. The free program has a clean and simple interface and can convert files quickly and without taking up too many system resources. Additionally, the software lets you select the compression level and open password-protected files



RAR to ZIP Converter 1.0 for Windows
  • Windows 8
Latest update:
Tuesday, December 28th 2021


RAR to ZIP Converter for PC



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