
OpenGL Extensions Viewer for Windows


realtech VR(Free)

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What is Open GL?

The Open Source Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) is a type of libraries that provides extensions to the main programming language (GL) that can be used in applications. The most popular among them are the OpenMAX, OpenSSL, OpenZika, and the open source community based on the Open Source Initiative (OSI). Since the early 1990s, Open Source has become the de facto standard for software development. This principle of Open Source has also served as the foundation of open source technologies like the Linux open source distribution, Sun's OpenOffice suite, and Microsoft's Office Suite. All these technologies run on top of an abstraction layer called the GL.

OpenGL Extensions Viewer is a reliable software that display the manufacturer-defined binary format of the graphics card, the version currently implemented, the Renderer Name, and all the extensions/renders supported by the user. The extension specifiers are hexadecimal strings that determine various characteristics of the rendering process. For instance, a particular Open GL function name (GL_ TEXTURE) would have the value 'federmanium', which specifies the texture color. Many other functions/opts/renders/name/version combinations are available in the source code of Open GL applications.

Realtech VR, a superior 3D application software tool from Realtech Corporation, is used in digital visualization and application testing. It allows multiple renderers to run on one computer system. OpenGL rendering is very helpful in creating digital signs for retail stores or corporate buildings. For example, Realtech VR uses the OpenMAX specification to display a digital sign inside a grocery store. When multiple renderers are run on one computer system, real-time feedback is provided to the user. Since Open GL rendering is new technology, most of the other technologies such as Direct X, Video Cards, Windows, and more, can not support Open GL out-of-the-box.




OpenGL Extensions Viewer 6.3.7 for Windows
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows ME,
  • Windows NT,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 2000
Latest update:
Friday, May 13th 2022
realtech VR

Also available in other platforms

OpenGL Extensions Viewer for PC


realtech VR(Free)

User rating


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