
LyricsFetcher for Windows


Phillip Piper(Free)

User rating

LyricsFetcher Will Find Them!

LyricsFetcher will bring you the lyrics to your favorite songs quickly and easily. You can search for the song you want and it will pull up all the lyrics. All you have to do is type in the artist or track name and it will show you all the lyrics available for that song. This is great for finding the right words to sing or speak when you're singing a song, and it can be used for just about any occasion from school to a party to just about anything. This program comes with over 250+ songs, so it should have the song you're looking for.

LyricsFetcher is very easy to use, especially for someone who doesn't know much about using Microsoft Word to create a song title. If you go to the start menu and select "yrics", then you can see all the words that are currently available for that song. You can search for a lyric by song id, artist name, album title or whatever you'd like.

If you use Lyricsfetcher, then you can save yourself a lot of time from searching all over the Internet for lyrics to songs. It will also help you find lyrics to any other type of song, even if it's not what you're looking for. So if you have some free time, take a few minutes to download LyricsFetcher, and you'll find lyrics to any song that you want, at any time that you want. You'll be amazed at how fast you can get the lyrics you need, and how often you can take a second or two to look up lyrics to songs you love.




LyricsFetcher 0.7 for Windows
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows ME,
  • Windows 98 SE
Latest update:
Thursday, September 16th 2021
Phillip Piper


LyricsFetcher for PC


Phillip Piper(Free)

User rating


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