
JPEGView for Windows



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Free image viewer and editor

JPEGView is a free application that lets you view and edit images in JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF with a minimal GUI (graphical user interface). It’s fast, lean and configurable with your Windows OS. With this app, you can adjust the sharpness, colour balance, rotation, perspective, contrast and exposure level parameters of images.

This image viewer has a minimalistic design and small 512kb size but packs many features and is incredibly fast. JPEGView is an open-source application and free to download for your Windows PC. Other similar free applications for Windows include Picasa, XnView and Pixelmator.


It’s recommended to assign JPEGView as the default viewer for all images on your PC. Right-click on the app’s interface and select the ‘Settings/App’ and then ‘Set as default viewer option’.


With this app set as your default image viewer, double-clicking on a picture will open the image via the app. The image is displayed with a set of basic controls at the bottom. Hovering over the control buttons and other interface elements will show you the shortcuts so you can control the app with your keyboard.


On startup, JPEGView displays a file browser that allows you to select a single image or a folder for viewing. When you right-click on the app, it shows the multitude of available editing options.

The basic features enable you to resize and rotate the image, load the next or previous image, and switch between a windowed or full screen. It has a high-quality resampling filter to preserve the sharpness of images.

JPEGView supports slideshows and has a movie mode to play JPEG images in a folder as a movie. Some of the additional features of this image viewing app include a self-correction feature, local density correction, EXIF data reader, batch rename and zoom options.

To change the settings and apply filters to images, you need to edit the INI files manually. You can change the colour saturation and balance, alter the CPU cores usage and also the downsampling filter’s quality.

Your Windows image viewing and editing partner

JPEGView is a high-speed image viewer for Windows that offers many rich features. It’s free to download, allowing you to view and edit images simultaneously and save your changes. This little app allows you to view and edit far more than just JPEG images, and it’s well worth the download.



JPEGView 1.0.37 for Windows
  • Windows 8.1,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 10
Latest update:
Monday, June 7th 2021

JPEGView for PC



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