
Imagine Picture Viewer for Windows



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Imagine Picture Viewer: Free photo viewer and editor

Developed by Imagine, Imagine Picture Viewer is a free and open-source photo viewer. It’s based on the Microsoft .NET Framework. It’s available for Windows and has no extra requirements to install it. The developer used various libraries for the development of filters, TwitPic and Flickr features. It will expand in the future to Linux by using Mono.

It’s a simple and lightweight photo viewer and provides most of the basic editing options, which you can use in fullscreen mode. It supports JPG, BMP and PNG formats. An alternative with advanced options includes Photoscape X Pro.

Imagine Picture Viewer features

Imagine Picture Viewer for Windows is a straightforward and lightweight photo viewing program. It lets you zoom, rotate, flip, crop and resize any images. Use the program to adjust brightness, contrast and colour balance. You can also blur or sharpen your image as you see fit. Additionally, you can apply filters like grayscale, sepia, black and white and more. It also allows you to undo or redo your actions, made easier with the fullscreen mode. 


Once done, you can create a slideshow or upload your image to Twitpic or Twitter directly. It also lets you upload to Flickr, Picasa and ImageShack. A great feature is its integration with Gmail and Live Mail, enabling you to email your images directly using these email clients. 

Best Imagine Picture Viewer alternatives

Imagine Picture Viewer is a straightforward tool made for people who want a simple way to view and organize their photos on a Windows computer. It's designed to be easy to use while still having the important features you need to manage your pictures well.

In the vast landscape of photo viewing and editing tools, several alternatives offer unique features and capabilities. Here are some noteworthy alternatives to Imagine Picture Viewer:

Photoscape X Pro

Photoscape X Pro is an all-in-one photo editing app equipped with a range of features, including batch editing, collage tools, and GIF creation. Its extensive editing capabilities make it a comprehensive choice for users seeking advanced photo management.

Quick Picture Viewer

Quick Picture Viewer is a free Windows program designed for quick and efficient picture browsing. While we haven't personally tested it, Quick Picture Viewer promises a convenient solution for users looking to manage their photos effectively on Windows 10 and above.


JPEGView is a lean and fast application supporting various image formats. With a minimal GUI, JPEGView allows users to adjust sharpness, color balance, and more. Its slideshow and movie mode features add a dynamic touch to image viewing.

Imagine Picture Viewer stands as a commendable option for users prioritizing simplicity and functionality in their photo viewing and management software. However, exploring alternatives based on specific needs may lead to discovering additional features that align better with individual preferences. Photoscape X Pro is one of the best options in the photography field; let’s take a closer look at the comparison between the protagonist of this review and the popular option!

Imagine Picture Viewer vs Photoscape X Pro

The Imagine software offers basic editing options that allow you to view JPG, BMP and PNG image files in fullscreen mode. If you need more advanced options, you can do so with Photoscape X Pro, which offers additional features like batch editing and renaming, and multiple viewing options. It also lets you create collages and combine photos. Print your image, capture and save a screenshot or create a GIF image.

If you need an image viewer with basic options, Imagine Picture Viewer is a great option. If you require advanced editing, try the time-unlimited free trial of Photoscape Pro X before purchasing the full version.

Basic photo viewer and editor

Download the free and open-source photo viewing app to view images and do basic editing. But, if you need more advanced options, have a look at Photoscape X Pro, which provides more editing features. 



Imagine Picture Viewer 2.2.4 for Windows
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 7
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Italian
Latest update:
Tuesday, December 12th 2023

Imagine Picture Viewer for PC



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