
HEIC to JPG Converter for Windows


SoftOrbits(Trial version)

User rating

Why Use a HEIC to JPG Converter?

What is the use of a HEIC to JPG Converter? How is it useful? How to convert a JPG file to a HEIC file? These are the typical questions one may ask while browsing on the Internet. If you have JPG images with Windows installed then converting them to a HEIC format would be of great use.

Converting a JPG image to a HEIC file does not take a lot of time; you would only need a few minutes to convert files from JPG to HEIC. How to do it? Windows operating systems come with a utility called the Windows JPEG Decompressor (WDD). If your PC does not have WDD installed, then you can download a WDD compatible program from the internet and install it in your PC. The WDD utility is a very simple utility which is used to decompress heaps, compress files with lossless compression algorithms and extract lossless video formats from JPG images.

It is a well known fact that the Windows system does not store all the private information on your PC. Only those areas are stored that are required by Windows to run the machine. Windows uses a RAM for this purpose and uses the system page table for storing the private information. There are certain disadvantages with using the RAM for storing this information as it tends to slow down the PC. So in order to store all the private information in RAM then it is better to use the hard disc for this purpose and the only difference between HEIC conversion and WDD is that the WDD uses a hard disk for storing the private information to the HEIC use the file system.




HEIC to JPG Converter 9.1 for Windows
  • Windows XP
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Arabic,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Portuguese,
  • Russian,
  • Turkish
Trial version
Latest update:
Thursday, August 26th 2021


HEIC to JPG Converter for PC


SoftOrbits(Trial version)

User rating


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