
Free Bible Dictionary for Windows


Media Freeware(Free)

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Free Bible Dictionary - Learning The Holy Bible Easily

Free Bible Dictionary is basically a free windows program related to the Bible in media freeware. It contains all words found in the Bible listed in different categories. Besides the three complete Bibles, there also are other options that you can choose and search for words in them such as "all men are god" or "all women are god's servant". After using this application, you can easily change your dictionary if you want to add or remove words from your dictionary that you find irrelevant or unwanted. Moreover, you can also share your dictionary with your friends and other users.

This is the best application that I have seen for both men and women in windows. It is so easy to use that even a person who has no knowledge about the bible can easily understand what this application is about. This free windows Bible dictionary has an advanced search facility that allows you to go deeper into the dictionary to find specific words or phrases in the bible that you are looking for. Moreover, the program also provides you the option of inserting extra words or phrases from other sources such as the holy bible or the internet to enhance your biblical study. Moreover, this free bible dictionary also provides you online help through forums and blogs related to bible studies and church studies, and answers for frequently asked questions.

This free program allows you to access the dictionary and be able to understand and comprehend the meaning of the holy bible faster. If you love to browse the internet regularly and you are having problems understanding or knowing what a particular word or phrase means in the bible, this application will help you solve all your problems. The application makes you learn and understand the bible using different applications such as flash cards, fun games and puzzles, which are available online. Furthermore, it enables you to connect to the holy bible online using your computers and share your experiences with others with the help of chat or email features available in the software.




Free Bible Dictionary 1 for Windows
  • Windows XP
Latest update:
Friday, September 3rd 2021
Media Freeware


Free Bible Dictionary for PC


Media Freeware(Free)

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