
Excalibur for Windows


Mixage Software(Free)

User rating

Excalibur - The Mysterious Royal Knight

Excalibur is one of the most well known and loved video games of all time. Fans of the game eagerly await each new release to discover if their beloved hero can fall into the hands of their favorite video game character. Unfortunately, not all games are created equally, and Excalibur is a prime example of such. The game starts by showing the gameplay of a young prince who is training to become a knight, fighting enemies in order to gain advancement in his training.

After gaining access into the Tower of London, Excalibur begins its nefarious mission to lay claim to the throne of Arthurian legend using only the finest Excalibur weapons. The game focuses on the exploration and fighting mechanics to get past enemies and continue on to reach the throne. During combat, you can unleash a variety of special moves and attacks using only the blade. Each attack has a unique graphical appearance depending on whether you're using the sword alone or using another weapon like a shield or axe. While you can attack from afar, the best way to quickly take down your enemies is to get into close range and deliver a combo attack while moving in between moves. Eventually, you will be forced to fight head on, using only your sword in an effort to protect your kingdom and its people.

The story of Excalibur continues as Lancelot returns to take on his nemesis Sir Gaheris. Despite the efforts of Lancelot, Sir Gaheris gains the upper hand, declaring that only the blade possesses the power to defeat him. When Excalibur is taken from Lancelot and placed within the keep of the Knights of the Round Table, it is then that Arthur decides to reclaim it for his people. With the help of his magic shield, Excalibur rises again to complete the once-forgotten quest of the king, and its mysterious past is revealed.




Excalibur 2.0 for Windows
  • Windows 95,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 98 SE,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows ME,
  • Windows NT
Latest update:
Friday, September 17th 2021
Mixage Software


Excalibur for PC


Mixage Software(Free)

User rating


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