
EaseUS CleanGenius for Windows


EaseUS Software(Free)

User rating

EaseUS CleanGenius - How a Free Windows XP Registry Scanner Can Make Your PC Run Faster

EaseUS CleanGenius is a powerful and easy to use registry cleaner developed by the Windows Product Development Team. It has been designed as a free scan to help you maintain your computer's system's performance by removing unwanted files from your hard drive, which in turn will increase its performance. Unlike many similar programs it does not require any form of payment to download and instantly remove any identified errors. All scans are performed on the user's behalf to ensure that no viruses or malware have entered the system.

EaseUS CleanGenius can be considered the ultimate free windows XP registry cleaner tool. Compared to the other products available on the market, EaseUS CleanGenius has been designed with the user in mind. This is because the software contains a junk-file remover, which allows it to scan through all sections of your windows operating system, no matter how big or how small the size of the file may be. The junk files removal tool enables you to deal with the various problems that windows has, such as corrupted data, missing files, damaged folders and invalid shortcuts.

Using EaseUS CleanGenius is very simple; all you need to do is scan for junk files and let the program performs its scan. You may then choose to delete the files you want to delete, just be sure to understand which ones these are, and what type of file it is. The software will then explain to you how to best clean up your computer and further instructions on how to optimize your computers performance. EaseUS CleanGenius is quick to scan your windows system, and with its junk-file remover it is able to clean up the most obscure parts of your computer. In addition to this, the windows repair tools are easy to use allowing a novice or owner to fix their system in minutes.




EaseUS CleanGenius 3.0.2 for Windows
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 10
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Japanese,
  • Turkish
Latest update:
Thursday, May 18th 2023
EaseUS Software

EaseUS CleanGenius for PC


EaseUS Software(Free)

User rating


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