
Desktop Sidebar for Windows



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Desktop Sidebar - A Quick And Easy Way To Improve Your System's Efficiency

Windows Desktop Sidebar is a discontinued utility widget engine for Microsoft Windows. Desktop Sidebar replaced many previous widgets with a single sidebar, based on the desktop border. It was first introduced in Windows Vista, where it integrates a small sidebar along the desktop border. Windows XP added support for a larger version of the sidebar called Sidebar, which integrated the functionality of the Sidebar widget along with additional tools and features for browsing and viewing Windows programs. The latest version of Sidebar is still available in the Windows Vista installation CD.

While Sidebar has many similarities with the Sidebar widget, it provides a number of unique customization options that are not found in the former. Most of the customization options related to the Windows desktop are also available for use in Windows Vista. One such unique feature of Desktop Sidebar is the Windows logo in the lower right corner of the widget. This logo is customizable according to your needs, as you can change it according to any color or size according to your preference. You can also make use of the Sidebar transparency options, which allows you to customize the look and feel of the sidebar.

The Desktop Sidebar also integrates with Windows 10's new Task Manager tool, which makes it easier for you to manage windows and icons across multiple displays. If you use a laptop, you can easily access all your desktop icons with the help of the Sidebar. All of these features and options make the Desktop Sidebar an attractive and useful addition to your computer setup. While Windows Vista is the only operating system that comes with the Desktop Sidebar pre-installed, it is also available in most of the other recent Windows operating systems, as many third-party utility programs have also ported the same functionality to their operating systems.




Desktop Sidebar 1.05.116 for Windows
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows ME
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Arabic,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Korean,
  • Polish,
  • Portuguese,
  • Russian,
  • Swedish,
  • Turkish,
  • Chinese
Latest update:
Saturday, September 18th 2021

Desktop Sidebar for PC



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