
Chedot for Windows



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Free web browsing app

Chedot is a free browser for Windows that has a myriad of handy features available. The software lets you download files at a higher speed, almost doubling the rate. The app has other useful features, too—such as a built-in antivirus, faster page loading, and safe call functions.

Faster downloading

Using Chedot is a great way to speed up your downloads—whether it's for files for a project or a new game. The browser is worth installing for this feature alone as it can increase the rate by up to two times. However, this internet download manager still requires a decent online connection and doesn’t always work as it should when set up.

Fast web page loading

Along with an increase in download speed, Chedot loads web pages faster than many alternative browsers. This difference in buffer time is highly noticeable when you’re watching videos online or loading PDF documents. However, this loading speed will not affect browser-based games or uploading posts on social media.

Free downloads

Chedot has another download tool that lets you obtain videos and music for free. While this feature is useful, the file sizes may become large. Fortunately, this size of the download is counteracted by the increased downloading speed.


Aside from being a good browser with any features, Chedot includes an antivirus that keeps you safe while browsing online. This feature is extremely useful but shouldn’t replace your ordinary antivirus software. Unfortunately, this prevention tool isn’t as great in quality as other products.

To make this software work alongside Windows Defender or other alternatives, you’ll need to set an exception for the app in its settings. This solution is tedious but ensures your computer is protected.


Chedot uses more than just an antivirus to keep your online presence safe and secure. The app has its own tools that support any calls and messages made away from prying eyes. This privacy and security tool is another unique feature that’s good to have available.

Useful but not reliable

Chedot is a handy browser with many features that sets it apart from alternatives. However, other popular applications, such as Chrome and Firefox, are more reliable. The software is a great choice to have installed if you download a lot of files from the internet.


Chedot 86.0.4240.932 for Windows
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows XP
Latest update:
Friday, October 28th 2022

Chedot for PC



User rating


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