
Any Video Converter for Windows


Anvsoft Inc,.(Free)

User rating

Is Any Video Converter a Free Video Converter?

Any Video Converter is an online video converter developed in Anvsoft Inc's series of products for Microsoft Windows. It is initially available only in a free version. However, it can also efficiently use AMD APP Encoder and Inter QSV codec for Xamate/Xavier encoded videos, and proprietary PCAP conversion for Windows Movie Maker videos. It also supports Windows Media Audio Compression codec and Real Audio Encoder.

The Any Video Converter software can be used for various purposes including: converting video to the web, for usage in Windows Movie Maker, converting video for iPod, converting Windows Live Wallpapers, convert videos to various portable storage devices, and so on. However, the free version only allows conversion of WMM to MMC and iPod Video. Converting videos for Windows Movie Maker requires additional features and the product doesn't offer them. It's possible to run Any Video Converter in Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS X and other operating systems. However, some operating systems such as Mac OS X do not support Any Video Converter at all due to Mac OS X not implementing the necessary file formats. It has been noted that the product does work on Windows Vista, but has been unable to run smoothly or correctly with the default settings.

Any Video Converter software is available from online resources at a cost that depends on the size of the video file to be converted. Currently, the freeware version offers limited features. The freeware does support the most commonly used file formats and does not have any type of automated scanning feature. However, if one really wants to utilize the advanced features, the upgrade to the paid version may be a better option. The freeware costs around thirty US dollars and the upgrade costs another forty US dollars. One may also get discounts when buying in bulk for quantities greater than a certain amount.




Any Video Converter 8.2.4 for Windows
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows 8.1,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 11,
  • Windows 10
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Arabic,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Dutch,
  • Polish,
  • Portuguese,
  • Russian,
  • Swedish,
  • Turkish,
  • Chinese
Latest update:
Wednesday, December 20th 2023
Anvsoft Inc,.


Any Video Converter for PC


Anvsoft Inc,.(Free)

User rating


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