
Age Calculator for Windows


Computer Services for You, LLC.(Free)

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Totally Free Internet Age Calculator For You

This is a calculator that helps to calculate age from birth in seconds and other information. It is an online age calculator that helps to compute the amount of time until you retire. The details regarding your exact age are available and can be seen on this page. If you need help calculating the exact age of someone else, you may either enter their date of birth in this box and press the'Calculate'button. The result will be the exact age of that person.

This application can also calculate the exact age from birth in years and months for you. It logs your age and calculates it in days. Download Free Age Calculator APK for your computer Open Free Age Calculator APK by dragging and dropping the APK file to the interpreter or execute the program by typing 'CMD' followed by the date range you want the result for. Then it will calculate in months and days. The most widely used versions of this free program are vista, XP and so forth. However, there are also versions for Mac and for the Web.

This app works great on both the desktop and the web browser. You can either run the program completely in the background or just one click in a browser and the result will be in the computer screen. If you are using a browser, you can either open the app by clicking on the icon or by tapping on the start menu and then going to 'Internet Options'. There you can set the proxy settings and browse the Internet in a totally free and safe mode.




Age Calculator 8.2.2 for Windows
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows 98 SE,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows XP
Latest update:
Friday, July 14th 2023
Computer Services for You, LLC.


Also available in other platforms

Age Calculator for PC


Computer Services for You, LLC.(Free)

User rating


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