
Vivo i Manager APK for Android


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Free Android System Optimizer App

Vivo i Manager is a free Android app that helps users clean up unwanted files and manage their phone’s storage, along with other tools including network management. It has a little less functionality than similar apps like File Manager or File manager: Safe powerful but also has some additional exciting features.

Any owner of a Google Android phone will know that it’s easy to accumulate a lot of clutter, and it’s hard to keep track of what’s been installed, or how many unused files there are. With Vivo i Manager, this is effortless to manage, as well as checking how much data has been transferred each month.

Storage management the easy way

The app is simple to use and has a function called “Phone tester”, which analyses unused apps and files and then lets the user clean them up. Files or apps can be selected individually or in multiples.


The Space Management option lets the user check the space available on their phone and SD card, with an option to clean Cache junk. Selecting individual apps gives options to customise the process.

After performing the selected tasks, the Phone Tester can be run again, and it will provide updated info. If necessary, further cleaning tasks can be carried out.

Network management

A very handy feature Vivo i Manager has is the network management functionality. It allows users to manage the access that apps have to a network. Apps can also be set to only work with Wi-Fi or mobile networks, or even block them altogether. This is extremely useful when there’s limited bandwidth, or when the user simply wants to save on data usage.

It’s also easy to check the data usage for individual apps, check network speed details, and use the other tools.

A simple app with useful features

Vivo i Manager doesn’t bring anything new to the table, but it’s a convenient way to perform maintenance tasks on an Android device without navigating the settings, which can be confusing for many people. There are options that some phones don’t offer, or they’re simply grouped in a more convenient way.

 In the storage management section, it’s easy to delete unnecessary files and perform other functions that free up space on the device, which in turn helps it function better. Vivo i Manager is a great way of simplifying routine tasks, so it’s to be recommended for that alone.



Vivo i Manager for Android
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 5.0
Latest update:
Friday, November 4th 2022
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Vivo i Manager APK for Android


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