
Typoman Mobile APK for Android



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Typoman Mobile - A Unique Aesthetic Mix For Android Users

Typoman Mobile has many of the popular games that are available on other Android phones, but it also has something unique: the ability to cross reference an image to find new words. This is the essence of augmented-reality gaming and it works quite well on the uBeejoy Android app. It isn't a particularly complicated concept, but it does take a bit of training to master. Once you do, though, it feels like you've gone back in time, a bit like taking an old snapshot and putting it into a digital form. And when you're looking for new words, those words are right there in front of you.

Typoman Mobile consists of three games: Story Mode, Slots and Augmented reality game. In the story mode, you'll play as a yeoman, a simple person who stumbles upon mysterious boxes filled with treasure. The first task you have is to find out where these boxes are hidden and solve puzzles and mini-games to acquire enough coins to unlock the next level. As you move through the various levels you'll run into some difficult situations where you have to use items you won't normally see and other items will destroy things you don't need to destroy. It can get really tricky and depending on how much of a challenge you're looking for, you may have to repay part or all of the levels several times before you get it right the first time.

In the augmented reality version of Typoman Mobile the main goal is to type as many words as you can, making them appear in the picture you're looking at as you type. This can be done by pointing the cursor at a word in the picture and pressing the appropriate space bar. This brings up a preview of the word that you intended to type and when you hit enter, it brings up its definition in a pop-up window. It's a fun and addictive game that will leave you coming back to Typoman Mobile to try it out again.




Typoman Mobile 1.0 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Available languages:
  • English,
  • German,
  • Korean
Latest update:
Wednesday, September 22nd 2021
Download options:

Typoman Mobile APK for Android



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