
Survivalcraft 2 for Android

Candy Rufus Games(Paid)

User rating

Survivalcraft 2 - Video Game Review

Survivalcraft 2 Day One is an excellent free application for Android, which belongs to the genre'Gadget'. It is the ultimate survival/RP (redwood) game that lets you live through one day in the real world, from the first time to the last time, by using your own robotic 'survivalbot'. In this one-day game, you are to survive and stay alive against the zombies and other challenges, with all the gadgets available to you.

The story of the survival craft is set in Kalicaid Island, an island situated on the Pacific Ocean. In the game, you are to save the world from the zombies and their evil creator named "Lord Krunsch". You start the game by creating your very own 'life-size' survivalist and then save it from zombies by downloading the latest update of the Android mobile app 'Healthkit'. Then, you have to survive the entire night, and the next day, you will need to feed it with food and water.

Since the launch of its first version in 2021, the popularity of the Survivalcraft world has grown tremendously and in turn, the developers have added a lot more features to the second version. For example, the addition of player stats and the ranking systems to it have made it even better. The story of the app has been written by fantasy author, Michael E. Gill, and the graphics and videos are done by Kalicinksi, a high end video game designer. As a result, Android users can now enjoy playing this wonderful survival video game on their mobile devices.




Survivalcraft 2 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Thursday, April 20th 2023
Candy Rufus Games

Download options:
Google Play

Survivalcraft 2 for Android

Candy Rufus Games(Paid)

User rating


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