
ShareMe APK for Android


Xiaomi Inc.(Free)

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ShareMe - A New App For Android Users

ShareMe is a new app which is a part of the Miiverse interface and allows you to sync your device with your computer. Sharing a computer is a big deal nowadays since people are so busy with their professional lives. If you are a frequent traveler, you will appreciate ShareMe as an effective tool to share files with your friends and colleagues back home. ShareMe is completely free of cell phone data connection. Free of network connectivity.

ShareMe transfers documents very quickly, 200 times faster than Bluetooth. Use the built in free version of ShareMe for your android emulator or download the paid app from google play. Once you have downloaded the app, you can import all your files from your device into the ShareMe, as well as create new ones. With ShareMe, all your files are safely backed up so that you can access them on another mac or pc easily. Plus, if you lose your files, you can recover them using the built-in recover feature. All your contacts, calendars, email, and notes can be imported from your PC or the SD card inserted in your phone.

To conclude, ShareMe is a fantastic app for android users to manage multiple devices and portable storage without any additional cost. The free version has limited features which were designed to give the user a perfect experience with this app. Thus, if you are planning to buy the paid version, you will definitely not regret it as it offers much more functionality than the free version and provides better protection for your documents and data.




ShareMe 3.41.00 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Friday, June 7th 2024
Xiaomi Inc.

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ShareMe APK for Android


Xiaomi Inc.(Free)

User rating


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