
SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar for Android


State Bank of India(Free)

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APK App - A Tool For Banking Simplicity

In the last few months, the SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar application from the Android Market have received positive feedback and recommendations by different business oriented groups. The SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar app make travelling to and planning your holidays easier than ever before. With the SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder you can access the information about currency exchange rates and currency conversion with a single tap. Moreover, this calendar also helps you to book tickets for hotels conveniently. Apart from this you can also view the Indian currency rates in a very convenient way.

The SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar are an ideal solution for planning business trip or a vacation with a limited budget. It is a fantastic time saver as it displays the exchange rates and currency conversion automatically on your Android device. This calendar also helps you plan and manage your itinerary, view your travel plans and select the right air ticket after a little browsing of the web based seating options. The APK application from the Android Market also helps you to manage your bank accounts. In case of any confusion you can always seek assistance from the dedicated customer care executives of SBI.

SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder is a smart alternative to the traditional travel guides and checklists which take into account the complete traveling needs of a customer and provide him the perfect planning. The search option lets you refine the search according to your requirement of cities visited, number of days to be spent etc. After selecting the cities and places, you will be provided with the details like bus timings, hotel reservations, tourist guide, etc. You can also visit the official websites of SBI and APK to know more about their services and schemes. The detailed customer report also provides valuable information regarding the following: Customer assistance & support, online banking, exchange rate, currency conversion, customs clearance, offshore investing, fixed deposit interest rates, rate of interest, regulatory changes/announcements, bonus structure, rewards and special offers, and SBI merchant account features.




SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar 6.5.7 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Wednesday, March 1st 2023
State Bank of India

Download options:
Google Play

SBI Quick Samadhaan Finder and Holiday Calendar for Android


State Bank of India(Free)

User rating


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