
Safari Browser APK for Android


Apple Inc.(Free)

User rating

Weltshow Language (Free)

Safari is a browser for iOS that’s now available for Android. It has most features of the original and functions the same way. You get Dark Mode, Private Browsing, and other minor options. The speed is still there almost no load times between pages.

Security-wise, there’s no way to tell if it retains the level of protection of iOS. The settings are very limited. You have the basic setup like cookies and history management. Nothing your Firefox or Chrome can’t already do. There are no special utilities that entice you to replace your default.


Lightning-fast speed

The best thing about Safari is its speed. It’s lightning-fast. You can say it rivals even Chrome when it comes to loading time. Download time is also great, but not as fast as the iOS version. Switching between pages and tabs are seamless.

The interface is very clean and easy to use. You don’t have that many adjustment options to choose from, but then again, that’s the whole point. The design is to keep things as simple as possible. They may have gotten carried away on simplicity. The Android version doesn’t retain the sophistication of its iOS counterpart.

Too few choices make the whole app look empty and dated.

Doesn’t use many resources

Safari comes in a small size, which makes sense, considering it doesn’t have any plugins. It uses less data than mainstream Android browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer. The app is also lenient on your RAM. So, you can run more programs alongside it, no problem. Having multiple tabs doesn’t slow down your process, either.

All tabs are interconnected

There are no indications that Safari protects Android users from data collection or malicious sites. It doesn’t handle each tab as a separate instance like Chrome. This means if one tab crashes, so do the others. That says enough about the lack of security. You also don’t have the restore previous session option after a crash.

Other than the built-in Dark Mode, this browser doesn’t offer any other extensions. You can still sync your Google account, but it wouldn’t carry over the addons you had. You will have to use specific plugins for Safari, and there aren’t many of them for this version.

Fast but not secure

The app has good overall qualities and is reliable when it comes to speed. Unfortunately, that’s the extent of its advantages. If all you do is browse the internet, Safari is the way to go.

For more sensitive tasks, stick with your default. There is nothing this browser offers that your main one doesn’t already do. It also doesn’t retain the level of protection that the iOS version has. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be safe as it claims.



Safari Browser 3.0.4 for Android
  • Android 4.2,
  • Android 4.2.2,
  • Android 3.0,
  • Android 3.2,
  • Android 2.2,
  • Android 4.3,
  • Android 4.2.1,
  • Android 2.3,
  • Android 3.3,
  • Android 4.1.1,
  • Android 3.1,
  • Android 2.1,
  • Android 4.1,
  • Android 4.0,
  • Android 4.1.2
Latest update:
Tuesday, October 15th 2019
Apple Inc.

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Safari Browser APK for Android


Apple Inc.(Free)

User rating


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