
Pocket Monster: Duel APK for Android


li moyu(Free)

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Pocket Monster: Duel - For the real Pokemon fans

Pocket Monster: Duel is a strategy game that takes what people love about Pokémon and mixes it with a fun, strategy-based battle system. This game is free on Android and focuses on fighting rather than exploring. Players pick places on a map to fight battles, using their Pokémon's strengths and smart strategies to win.

What is Pocket Monster: Duel?

Pocket Monster: Duel is all about strategy and battles inspired by Pokémon. Instead of exploring a big world, players get straight to battling on a simple map. The game keeps the fun of Pokémon fights but makes everything more about thinking ahead and making smart moves.

How to play Pocket Monster: Duel

Playing Pocket Monster: Duel is easy to learn but hard to master. Here's what you need to know:


  • Moving Characters: Each character can move a certain number of squares. The main goal is to get to your opponent's defeat spot while protecting your own.
  • Fighting: If two Pokémon are next to each other, they battle based on their stats. This makes fights not just about strength but also about where you place your Pokémon.
  • Your Team: You have a team of your top six Pokémon, just like in regular Pokémon games. This team is key to your strategy.
  • Special Powers: Some Pokémon have special skills that can change the game. Using these at the right time is a big part of winning.
  • Getting Better: By playing in tournaments, you can win items to strengthen your Pokémon and even get new Pokémon. The game has a way to improve your Pokémon, making it fun to keep playing and getting better.
  • Thinking Ahead: Winning requires careful thinking and planning. You need to know your Pokémon well and use them smartly.

Here's what makes "Pocket Monster: Duel" great:

  • It's Free: Anyone can play without paying.
  • Smart Battles: The game is more about thinking and planning than just exploring.
  • Exciting Fights: Mixing Pokémon battles with strategy game elements makes every fight exciting.
  • Growing and Making Your Team Better: You can strengthen your Pokémon and collect more as you play, which makes you want to keep playing.

Pocket Monster: Duel shows how creative and passionate Pokémon fans can be. It offers a new way to enjoy Pokémon battles, focusing on strategy and smart moves.



Pocket Monster: Duel 1.0.4 for Android
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 4.2,
  • Android 4.2.2,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 4.3,
  • Android 4.2.1,
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 4.1.1,
  • Android 5.0,
  • Android 4.1,
  • Android 4.0,
  • Android 4.1.2,
  • Android 4.4
Latest update:
Thursday, February 22nd 2024
li moyu
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Pocket Monster: Duel APK for Android


li moyu(Free)

User rating


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