
MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker for Android


Lazy Developers Inc.(Free)

User rating

Free Xiaomi update app

MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker is a free Xiaomi update app by developer Lazy Developers Inc. Much like Google Play Services and Pure APK Install, it lets you find and download software for your phone. However, in this case, the app is geared towards exclusively finding Xiaomi phone updates.

MIUI is the name of the operating system developed by Xiaomi for their phones. If you don't want to wait until the latest update is finally rolled out in your region, you know how difficult it can be to get the correct version for your device. This app allows you to do it straightforwardly.

Basic but friendly interface

MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker isn’t packed with extra features, and the interface is straightforward to use. You can choose your device from a list and perform the different actions with a single tap.


Because it covers more than 65 devices, it's very likely your Xiaomi will be supported. If it is, you can update your system in no time.

Extra useful features

One of the problems when getting updates from a random internet website is that you can’t be sure that you’re not downloading malicious software. With MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker, you know you're always getting the official versions.

Additionally, it lets you choose your region, which is critical for phone compatibility. What's more, it enables you to get notifications about updates. You can even choose whether to download beta ROMs if you want to experiment.

An excellent tool for Xiaomi users

MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker is a helpful tool to keep your phone up-to-date when you want to try a different version. Thanks to its device selection feature and the possibility to choose your region, it's a failsafe way to update your phone.

Just bear in mind that it's only valid for Xiaomi phones, and that it’s not guaranteed every model will be supported in every location. Even if you have a device from this manufacturer, it may not be supported. The only way to know is by trying out the app. Otherwise, it's a user-friendly tool that any Xiaomi user can benefit from.



MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker 3.0.1 for Android
  • Android 13.0,
  • Android 10.0
Latest update:
Friday, April 5th 2024
Lazy Developers Inc.
Download options:
Google Play

MIUIREX - MIUI 12 Download Links & Update Tracker for Android


Lazy Developers Inc.(Free)

User rating


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