
MirrorOp Receiver APK for Android

Barco NV(Free)

User rating

Free remote mirroring for Android

MirrorOp Receiver for Android is a free mirroring app that lets you control your PC or Mac from your cell phone. You can also install MirrorOp Sender on your Android device to remotely control your cell phone from your computer. It’s similar to Android TV Remote Control in functionality and features.

Barco, a Belgian technology company developed MirrorOp. If you've ever wondered whether you could play your home videos or scroll through photos on your computer without having to get up from the couch, you don’t need to wonder any longer with this app. 

How to connect

After downloading and installing the app on your device and on your computer, you'll have to first make sure that the application is running on both devices. Install MirrorOp Receiver on your mobile device and MirrorOp Sender on your computer. 


If you want to use your cell phone on your computer, you'll have to download Sender on your cell phone and the Receiver on the computer. It’s as simple as that. The app is incredibly straightforward for any user. 

An alternative

If you're only interested in mirroring your cell phone on your computer, you may want to try ApowerMirror. The program boasts a simple interface and a variety of features. You can switch between fullscreen mode and landscape mode, check your WhatsApp messages, stream your videos and much more. Like MirrorOp Receiver, you'll need to be on the same Wi-Fi network as the corresponding device to use this app. 

Additional information

To run MirrorOp Receiver, you'll need Android 4.1 or greater. The app is safe to use for all ages and should be a quick download at just over 7 MB in size. Bear in mind that the app doesn’t work independently. You’ll have to install the corresponding application on your computer. 

You can download this program’s APK from our site using our download link. 

Highly convenient

This program's cross-accessibility makes it a must-download for anyone interested in boosting their efficiency and experiencing with added convenience. We find it a highly convenient application that’s well worth the download, particularly if you're a tech junkie who loves to try the newest technology. 



MirrorOp Receiver for Android
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 4.2,
  • Android 4.2.2,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 4.3,
  • Android 4.2.1,
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 4.1.1,
  • Android 5.0,
  • Android 4.1,
  • Android 4.1.2,
  • Android 4.4
Latest update:
Wednesday, April 28th 2021
Barco NV

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MirrorOp Receiver APK for Android

Barco NV(Free)

User rating


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