
Microsoft Office Mobile for Android



User rating

Microsoft (Free)

Microsoft Office is a utility package that includes useful apps like Word and Excel. You can access and share all your files in one place. There are many different cloud spaces available, including OneDrive and DropBox. It runs very smooth and has little to no performance issues.

Work on the go

The best thing about Office is that it comes with all the core applications without taking up more space. You don’t need to have Powerpoint or Excel downloaded to create documents for them. The file size is compact (less than 400MB) and doesn’t need local storage for data.

Sharing is very easy and convenient. It’s faster if you work on wifi. You can still save to Cloud while offline, but it won’t update when you get back online. It has an auto-save feature that makes sure you never lose your progress. Performance seems to be better when working in aeroplane mode. Memory usage is also much lower than every individual Microsoft app.


Preinstalled on some devices

For Samsung users, this app comes as a default programme on your Android. If you have a Galaxy, you might want to check your Office folder before looking elsewhere.

Seamlessly transition to other apps

Having Outlook included in the package would make this app perfect. Even without it, Microsoft Office is super useful. If you want to manage all your work from one location, you need to download it now. It will save you a lot of time switching between programs.



Microsoft Office Mobile 16.0.17726.20100 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Friday, June 28th 2024

Download options:
Google Play

Also available in other platforms

Microsoft Office Mobile for Android



User rating


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