
Media Converter for Android


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Media Converter - Simple Convertibility

Media Converter is an application in which you load an audio file to the program, select a video file from your storage device, and it automatically converts it to as many as 12 different video file formats which include only flash and simple audio. It requires a manual because some of these options and menu items are very difficult to understand. For example, you cannot click on certain icons to change certain values such as the width and height of a frame in the video. This application will automatically play the selected video file in the background. Unfortunately, it does not display a video while it is converting. Another problem is the fact that this program is not cross-compatible with android devices running on the Gingerbread operating system, and so it crashes on those occasions when you try to use Media Converter on a rooted Android device.

Media Converter Free version provides an option of converting an MP3 file to a WAV, AIFF, or APE format. The program also allows conversion to other audio formats such as AC/DC tape, cassette, CD, and vinyl. It allows conversion to any size disk and even exceeds the capacity limit set by the user. You can also add effects such as fades, reverb, chorus, and other popular effects using the various sound modules available in the sample rate conversion tool.

Media Converter Free version has limited features, and does not allow conversion to high-resolution (HD) video files. Even though, it is not known to be a highly productive media converter, this free version is comparatively cheap and is very easy to use. As it lacks some advanced features, it could be a worthy option for people who do not want to spend money upgrading to the full version. If you intend to use the converting application for simple converting of audio and video files, then Media Converter Free version will serve your purpose well.




Media Converter for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Sunday, March 3rd 2024

Download options:
Google Play

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Media Converter for Android


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