
Live Video Call - Global Call APK for Android



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Free video chat app

Live Video Call - Global Call is a free video chat app by developer DarTush Inc. Like, Facebook Messenger and Live Talk, it lets you communicate with other people worldwide with video calls in real-time. Much like the latter option, it’s geared towards meeting new people instead of connecting with family and friends.

Aside from the live video aspect of the app, there are many features. For example, you can also perform audio calls, and there’s a feature aimed at helping you gain confidence when interacting with strangers.

Meet people from all over

The premise behind Live Video Call - Global Call is to connect with men and women from all over the world interested in making friends or dating. The calls are completely anonymous for those who are shy about it, and the developer commits to preserving your privacy.


Since the app is geared toward a worldwide audience, another use highlighted by the developer is practising English for free with a real-life partner. Unfortunately, some users complain about inappropriate content since the app has no control over the other party’s actions.


Live Video Call - Global Call doesn’t just let you connect with random strangers. Using a straightforward interface, it lets you choose what kind of person you’d like to connect with. By simply choosing a room, you get different types of people.

You can also make calls with several people at once and exchange text messages with your chat companions, emojis included. But perhaps most intriguingly, is that they offer support via a video call. Feeling anxious? You can use this feature for assistance.

Good idea, so-so execution

Live Video Call - Global Call is a great idea. You can connect with people from around the world to make new friends, meet potential romantic interests, or simply improve your English skills. Unfortunately, there are numerous issues that prevent it from becoming a top choice.

For starters, it’s not moderated, and people have complained about strong sexual content. A reporting system is in place, and the developer says they’ll take appropriate action. Of course, by that time, the harm’s already been done. Aside from this, there are too many ads, and technical issues such as video calls freezing to make it a truly enjoyable app to use.



Live Video Call - Global Call 3.0 for Android
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 5.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 6.0
Latest update:
Monday, March 27th 2023
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Live Video Call - Global Call APK for Android



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