
Kipas Guys APK for Android


Kipas Guys(Free)

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Kipas Guys: Customize your Stumble Guys experience

Kipas Guys is a free multiplayer Android mod for Stumble Guys developed by Kitka Games. Being a mod, it improves on the original game by adding a number of features. You can access previously locked skins, emotes, and maps. This mod goes further by allowing players to modify how the game works with higher jumps and more speed.

If you're looking for other multiplayer games to play on your Android device, you can also try Among Us or Minecraft. However, these are standalone games while Kipas Guys is a mod. You’ll have loads of fun with content that was locked before and additional appearance mods and other items.

How to play Kipas Guys?

Kipas Guys offers the same straightforward gameplay as Stumble Guys. You'll find yourself on various levels with objectives like dodging obstacles to arrive at the finish line first. You can control the movement of your character with a virtual analogue stick and a button to jump or dash. It’s simple, but it’s great fun, especially if you play with friends.

Mod features

Being a mod to an existing game, Kipas Guys offers extra features to make the game more fun. You can create a multiplayer room with a secret code to play with friends, customize your character with multiple skins, and create a game session where several maps will play out successively. This mod also lets player fiddle with game physics to play with a higher jump, player speed, and dash speed.


Visually, the game is the same as Stumble Guys, with colourful, cartoon-like graphics for a family-friendly experience. Each level offers a unique theme with quirky music to increase the fun. The environments are varied, ranging from snow trails with cannons firing snowballs to arenas with little monsters trying to overcome the players.

Advanced customization and accessibility

Kipas Guys sets itself apart with advanced customization options. The mod menu is detailed and well-organized, offering a plethora of features that are easily accessible and understandable. Players can personalize their gaming experience in various ways, such as selecting custom maps for each level, eliminating the element of unpredictability and allowing for a more tailored gameplay experience​.

Avatar customization

In this engaging game, personalizing your avatar is a key feature, offering a multitude of options to ensure your character stands out. You can delve into a wide array of clothing and accessories, each adding a unique flair to your avatar's appearance. Beyond just attire, you have the option to alter your avatar's color scheme, providing a distinctive look that makes you easily identifiable in the gaming arena. This customization extends to protective gear like hats and helmets, which aren't just stylish but also strategic, helping you evade elimination and inch closer to victory.

Thrilling Battle Royale

The game adopts the immensely popular battle royale format, a favorite among gaming enthusiasts. In this high-stakes setup, players are plunged into a competitive arena, vying to be the last one standing. This format encourages not just combat skills but also strategic thinking and quick decision-making.

Humor in the falls

Contrasting its competitive nature, the game infuses humor, particularly through its fall sequences. Reminiscent of the hilarity in shows like 'Wipeout,' players will find amusement in both their and their opponents' missteps. Watching characters comically tumble off the map adds a lighthearted, enjoyable aspect to the gameplay.

Diverse Levels of challenge

With a plethora of levels to explore, each brings its unique challenges and environments. Players have the liberty to tackle these levels in any sequence, enhancing the game's replayability. The varied difficulty settings also mean that players can continuously find new challenges and experiences within the game.

Chaos and strategy

At its core, the game is a whirlwind of chaos and unpredictability. Each session is a new adventure where anything can happen, keeping players engaged and on edge. The dynamic environment demands constant vigilance and adaptability. A minor slip-up could mean elimination, so strategic play is crucial.

The competition can get intense with opponents possibly resorting to underhanded tactics. This requires players to be cunning and develop counter-strategies to outsmart rivals. The game's charm lies in its ability to blend chaotic fun with strategic gameplay, ensuring that players remain engaged and entertained throughout their experience.

Rich mod menu

The mod menu in Kipas Guys is a treasure trove of features that enhance gameplay. Players have access to unlimited modifying options like custom map selection, private rooms, and even the ability to extend game timings significantly with the Room Time Mod. These features not only add depth to the game but also empower players with more control over their gaming environment.

Easy installation and additional benefits

Installing Kipas Guys is straightforward and user-friendly. The app is free and can be easily downloaded with just one click. Once downloaded, the installation process is simple, allowing players to access the game without any restrictions. This ease of access makes Kipas Guys an attractive option for players looking for an uncomplicated gaming experience​.

Unlimited resources and enhanced abilities

A major advantage of Kipas Guys is the provision of unlimited coins and gems, which are typically limited in the official game. This feature eliminates the need for real-time cash spending, making all in-game items easily accessible. Additionally, players can enjoy enhanced movement abilities like faster running and flying, adding an exciting dimension to the gameplay.

Is it safe to download the Kipas Guys?

While downloading APK files always carries inherent risks due to potential security issues and lack of official support, downloading Kipas Guys is generally considered safe. It is crucial, however, to ensure that you are downloading from a reputable source to minimize the risk of malware or other harmful software. As with any APK download, exercise caution and use a trusted website or source to ensure the safety and security of your device.

Is my Android compatible?

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility, Kipas Guys requires a minimum operating system of Android 5.1. This baseline ensures that the game runs smoothly on your device, providing an enjoyable gaming experience without technical interruptions or issues related to older, unsupported operating systems.

A cool mod to improve the experience

Kipas Guys offers a comprehensive and enhanced gaming experience for Stumble Guys enthusiasts. With its array of features, including advanced customization options, rich mod menu, easy installation, and unlimited resources, the game stands out as a fun and engaging mod. 

It's more than just a multiplayer mobile game; it's an opportunity for players to enjoy a more controlled and personalized version of Stumble Guys. While Kipas Guys may not be the best-known app in the market, it undoubtedly does its job effectively, providing a unique and enjoyable gaming experience for its players.


Kipas Guys 0.41.1 for Android
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 5.0
Latest update:
Monday, December 4th 2023
Kipas Guys

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Kipas Guys APK for Android


Kipas Guys(Free)

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