
High School Girl Secret Crush for Android


Silver Fun Studios(Free)

User rating

High School Girl Secret Crush: A Love Story Game

High School Girl Secret Crush is a free Android game developed by Silver Fun Studios, falling under the category of games. In this game, the player helps a beautiful girl prepare for her first love date with her high school crush. The girl wants to look her best and the player must assist her in becoming the most beautiful and stylish girl in high school.

The game consists of different sections to visit, including a spa section where the player can give the girl a clean and smooth face, makeup and makeover sections where the player can choose from various accessories, and a dress-up section where the player can select the most stylish dresses for the girl. The player can also decorate the girl's room as per their liking and prepare her for a photo session.

The game features a cute and adorable secret love story that adds to the overall charm of the game. It is perfect for those who enjoy fashion and love games, and want to experience a high school love story.




High School Girl Secret Crush 1.4 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Saturday, January 27th 2024
Silver Fun Studios

Download options:
Google Play

High School Girl Secret Crush for Android


Silver Fun Studios(Free)

User rating


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