
Hex Installer for Android


SatySatsZB & envy_(Paid)

User rating

Download a Free Samsung Android Theme For Your Phone

Hex Installer is a simple to use but a powerful program that will make it easy to install any custom themes for your Samsung Android Phone. Whether you need a Theme for your messaging application, your email client or even a wallpaper for your phone, this program is all you need. Features: Theme manager - allows you to select and change the colors of text and images.

Hex Installer is a professional grade android app that will help you easily install any theme that you wish to apply for your Samsung Android Smartphone. Themes for one are fully licensed and are created by professional developers who are continuously adding new themes, new colors and new features to keep the features fresh and give you the ultimate freedom over how your phone looks. The interface of this application is very easy to use and user friendly. It has very few options, so if you have issues or feedback, feel free to contact us via our support mail. Special thanks to testers, translators and contributors.

One of the greatest things about this application is that it is completely free. Unlike the regular free stock android applications, this application has many more themeable apps that will not cost you a penny. And with so many different themes to choose from, there will always be something that will fit your taste and needs. So if you want a unique and professional looking android phone, download one of the top rated programs, hex installer apk. You will not regret it and you will thank yourself for getting such a fantastic tool.




Hex Installer 30 HEX_EOL for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Monday, March 18th 2024
SatySatsZB & envy_
Download options:
Google Play

Hex Installer for Android


SatySatsZB & envy_(Paid)

User rating


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