
Grand Theft Auto V - Unofficial APK for Android



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Free GTA V app for Android

The Grand Theft Auto games have been enormously popular since the first one was released in 1997. The last official GTA release for Android was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in 2004, and fans of the series have been clamouring to play it on their most-used device.

While we wait for Rockstar Games to release an official version for Android devices, Grand Theft Auto V - Unofficial fills the gap brilliantly. In addition to being able to tear up the city of Los Santos, racing, stealing and murdering your way to the top of the criminal universe on your console or PC, you can now also do it on your Android device for free.

What is GTA V – Unofficial?

Grand Theft Auto V hasn’t been officially released for Android, but the team at has developed this APK (Android Package Kit), so you can play it on the go. They describe it as the successor to the GTA series, but in reality, it’s a clone of the official game from Rockstar Games.


You complete a series of missions, such as carrying out hits and making some fast money to increase your power in the criminal underworld of Los Santos.

Is GTA V – Unofficial free?

Yes, you can safely download and install it for free from reliable sources. It’s 100% safe and virus-free.

Because you don’t download APK’s from official, curated app stores, you should be careful about where you get them from in case they’ve been bundled with hidden malware.

How do I remove GTA V – Unofficial from my phone?

It’s easy to remove GTA V – Unofficial from your Android device by following these steps:

  1. Open the app list.
  2. Locate GTA V Unofficial.
  3. Long press on the icon.
  4. Depending on your launcher settings, you may have to authorise the change to your app list.
  5. Press ‘Uninstall’ in the contextual menu that appears. After a few seconds, you should receive an on-screen notification that the app has been removed.

Unofficial GTA

The developers have done an excellent job of duplicating GTA V in an APK. Devotees of the Grand Theft Auto series will find GTA 5 - Unofficial very familiar.

The gameplay and graphics look and feel just like the official version, and it’s easy to control on the smaller screen of your tablet or phone. To fully appreciate the game, though, we recommend playing on the biggest possible screen, ideally a tablet.



Grand Theft Auto V - Unofficial 0.2.1 for Android
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 7.0
Latest update:
Wednesday, November 2nd 2022

Download options:

Also available in other platforms

Grand Theft Auto V - Unofficial APK for Android



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We don't have any change log information yet for version 0.2.1 of Grand Theft Auto V - Unofficial. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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