
Game Turbo 4.0 APK for Android


Xiaomi Inc.(Free)

User rating

Free game utility app

Game Turbo 4.0 is a free game utility app by Xiaomi for its line-up of smartphones and tablets. It only works with Xiaomi devices, so if you need a similar solution for your non-Xiaomi device, you can try apps like Game Booster 4x Faster, GearUP Game Booster: Lower Lag and Game Booster 2X Speed for Games.

This app allows you to configure different parameters on your Xiaomi device for better gaming performance. Even if you have a brand-new device, you’ll probably need an app like this because phones and tablets aren’t specifically designed for gaming.

Less lag and more performance

Game Turbo 4.0’s most noticeable feature is its ability to reduce lag while gaming. It allows you to improve things by freeing up RAM memory, a key factor when experiencing stuttering in games.


It also boosts your CPU and GPU clocks, giving you more speed by overclocking them. That means the phone or tablet will have more speed, increasing the performance of games. This isn’t enabled by default on mobile devices, and without solutions like this, getting it going is a cumbersome process.

Additional features

Game Turbo 4.0 not only brings better performance to the table. It has additional features to enhance gameplay, like allowing you to change visual aspects such as contrast and saturation.

It also lets you configure the sensitivity of in-game controls and the response time. If you don’t want any distractions while gaming, you can also turn off notifications via the app. All of this is performed via intuitive screens and controls.

A great gaming companion

As you can see, Game Turbo 4.0 is a must for serious gamers wanting to squeeze out their mobiles for the sake of better gaming. It has enough features to make it an invaluable choice for both old and new phones - provided you own a Xiaomi phone.

The only downside of this app is that it’s only compatible with Xiaomi devices, and even then, not all phones and tablets are supported, so it’s a haphazard situation. That said, if you’re lucky to be on the “compatible” side, be sure to try it for a better experience when playing games.



Game Turbo 4.0 7.2.6-221026.0.1 for Android
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 5.0,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 8.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, July 11th 2023
Xiaomi Inc.

Download options:

Game Turbo 4.0 APK for Android


Xiaomi Inc.(Free)

User rating


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