
ES File Explorer/Manager PRO APK for Android

Pro 1.0.8

ES Global(Free)

User rating

ES File Explorer/Manager PRO: Keep your files organized

ES File Explorer/Manager PRO is a handy tool made for Android phones that helps you keep your files organized. It acts as a mini computer file manager right on your phone, allowing you to sort through your photos, documents, and music easily. This app was made by a company called ES Global and has some cool features like letting you move files around between your phone and computer or even storing them online.

What is ES File Explorer Pro?

ES File Explorer is an app that helps you manage all the stuff on your phone. You can move files around, organize your photos, and even connect to online storage spaces like Google Drive. Despite having a lot of useful features for managing files, it was banned in India due to some privacy worries and was also banned from Google Play Store due to click fraud.

ES File Explorer/Manager PRO features

This app has a bunch of tools to help you with your files:


  • Easy File Handling: You can do pretty much anything you do on a computer, like making new folders, moving files, or renaming them.
  • Works with Many Services: It can connect to different online storages and computers, making it super easy to move files around.
  • Viewing Files Made Simple: It shows your photos and videos in a neat way so you can find what you're looking for fast.
  • Remote Management: You can access your files from anywhere, even if they're stored on another computer or in the cloud.
  • Check Your Storage: There's a tool that tells you how much space you have left on your SD card so you can keep things tidy.
  • Manage Your Apps: Not just for files, it can also help you keep your apps in order by letting you back them up, uninstall them, or even compress them to save space.

Is ES File Explorer Pro safe?

There's been some talk about whether ES File Explorer is safe because it was removed from the Google Play Store for not following some rules. While it's important to be careful about what permissions you give to any app, if you keep an eye on this, ES File Explorer Pro can still be a handy tool.

Why was ES File Explorer removed?

The main reason ES File Explorer was taken off the Google Play Store was because it was doing some sketchy stuff with ads, like clicking them without you knowing. This was against Google's rules, so they had to remove it. Even though it's not on the Play Store anymore, you can still find it elsewhere if you need it.

ES File Explorer/Manager PRO is a powerful app for keeping your phone's files in check. It's packed with features that make it easy to manage everything from your pictures to your documents. Just be mindful of the permissions you allow, and you'll find it to be a very useful tool.



ES File Explorer/Manager PRO Pro 1.0.8 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Monday, February 12th 2024
ES Global

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ES File Explorer/Manager PRO APK for Android

Pro 1.0.8

ES Global(Free)

User rating


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