
DJ Studio APK for Android



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Free Android audio utility

DJ Studio by DJStudioMixer is a free Android app that lets you mix and remix music tracks, create playlists, and apply various audio effects to your music. The app is versatile enough to suit the needs of both novice and professional DJs, thanks to its wide range of features and customisation options.

Our repository is a good place to look for all sorts of audio and DJ-related apps. For instance, you might be looking for another free way to mix your music on an app such as DiscDj 3D Music Player Dj Mixer. If you’re looking for a full-service recording studio straight on your phone, you can also try Garageband Studio

Limitless customisation

You'll find that the layout of the DJ Studio app is well-organised and easy to navigate, with a clear separation between various functions and tools. DJ Studio also features an intuitive user interface, including straightforward controls that mix and manipulate tracks seamlessly.


The app also provides a broad selection of audio effects and filters, such as echo, flanger, and reverb, which will allow you to adapt your music in a myriad of ways. The app's limitless customisation options will undoubtedly offer you endless opportunities to create unique and exciting tracks.

Learning curve

DJ Studio's ease of use varies depending on your experience and skill level as a user. If you're a novice, you'll appreciate that the app provides tutorials and tips to help you get started. On the other hand, experienced users can take advantage of the app's more advanced features. 

Nevertheless, it's worth noting that the app's steep learning curve may be overwhelming for some users, especially those new to DJing. However, with practice and patience, even novice users can quickly become adept at using the app's features to create their music.


In terms of performance, you can expect DJ Studio to be generally stable and reliable. However, it's worth noting that some users have reported occasional crashes or lags. Additionally, while the app offers an impressive range of features, it may take up a significant amount of storage space on your device, particularly if you have a large music library.  

This may be a drawback for some users who have limited storage capacity on their devices. Nevertheless, if you have enough storage space and enjoy mixing and manipulating music tracks, DJ Studio is an app that you'll likely enjoy using.

Effective and fun

DJ Studio by DJStudioMixer is a versatile and feature-rich app that provides a wide range of options for both novice and experienced DJs. While the app may present some challenges for beginners due to its steep learning curve, it provides a vast array of customisation options and features that make it a valuable tool for anyone interested in mixing and remixing music tracks. 

Whether you're an aspiring DJ looking to practice your skills or a professional seeking a versatile app to create your music, DJ Studio is an app that you'll find to be an excellent choice.



DJ Studio 15.0.1 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Saturday, June 15th 2024
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DJ Studio APK for Android



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