
CPU Throttling Test APK for Android


Procedural Prophet(Free)

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CPU Throttling Test - Test your CPU performance

Some of the Android users face issues while playing games or doing any heavy tasks. CPU Throttling Test lets you check out if your device can handle certain tasks or not. This tool is designed to check if your phone slows down its CPU to prevent overheating, a process known as CPU throttling. The app works by putting a heavy load on the CPU using up to 100 threads, pushing the device to work hard. It then monitors the CPU's speed to see if it drops when the phone gets too hot. Users get to see this information through easy-to-read graphs that show the CPU's speed over time, including the highest, lowest, and average speeds.

How to check if your CPU throttles?

Using the CPU Throttling Test app to see if your phone's CPU slows down is straightforward. Here's how to do it:

  • Start the Test: Tap "START TEST" in the app. This begins the test that measures your CPU's speed and shows you how it changes over time.
  • How Long to Run the Test: You can stop the test whenever you want, but letting it run for at least five minutes usually gives a better picture of what’s happening with your CPU under stress.

Key Features of the CPU Throttling Test£

  • Benchmarks Included: The app has built-in tests for Java and native C programming to check both single and multi-threaded performance.
  • Monitor Your CPU: You can see real-time updates on your CPU’s speed, temperature, and how much of it is being used. Keep in mind that some features might not be available on newer Android versions.
  • Customize Your Test:
    • Choose how many threads to use.
    • Set the test to end after a certain time.
    • Change how often the app updates the monitor and manages memory.

Tips for Getting Reliable Results:


  • Let Your Phone Cool Down: Before you start testing, give your phone at least 10 minutes to cool down and make sure all other apps are closed.
  • Battery and Phone Care: Remember that testing for a long time can drain your battery and wear out your phone faster.

The CPU Throttling Test app is more than just a tool for checking if your phone slows down under pressure. It also lets you compare how different phones handle heat, which can be especially useful if you’re deciding between models or if you use your phone for heavy tasks like gaming or streaming high-quality videos.



CPU Throttling Test 1.3.4 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Thursday, May 2nd 2024
Procedural Prophet
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CPU Throttling Test APK for Android


Procedural Prophet(Free)

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