
Bluetooth Settings for TV APK for Android



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Bluetooth Settings for TV - Lightweight Android tool

Bluetooth technology connects devices like speakers and headphones to our TVs. The Bluetooth Settings for TV app is designed to make this process easier, especially on TVs that often have problems with Bluetooth connections. This app lets you adjust your TV's Bluetooth settings right from your screen, aiming to fix common issues and improve your experience. You can use it on an Android device.

Features of this app

Bluetooth Settings for TV comes with a straightforward interface that makes it easy to handle your TV's Bluetooth connections. Here's what you can do with the app:

  • Easy to Use: All the features are on one screen, so you don't have to click around much.
  • Instant Changes: When you choose an option, it works right away—no need to restart or anything.
  • Control Who Connects: 
    • You can:
      • Allow any device to find and connect to your TV.
      • Only let devices that have connected before find and connect.
      • Only let devices that are already paired connect.
      • Turn off Bluetooth completely if you don't need it.

However, the app isn't perfect. It has some downsides:


  • Limited Options: You can't turn the Bluetooth on if it's off. You can only change settings for when it's already on.
  • Not Always Reliable: Some users have trouble with the app not connecting properly, or it disconnects often.
  • Settings Don't Stick: If you close the app, all your settings go back to how they were before, so you have to set them up again next time.

Do you really need it?

Deciding if "Bluetooth Settings for TV" is right for you depends on how much you use Bluetooth and what you need from it. This app tries to make managing your TV’s Bluetooth easier, which might be helpful if you frequently connect different devices and want an easier way to manage those connections.

But, there are some things to consider:

  • More Control: If you often change who can connect to your TV or how visible your TV is to other devices, this app could make those things easier to manage.
  • Better for Problematic TVs: If your TV often has Bluetooth problems, this app might help fix that.
  • Issues with Stability: The app doesn’t always save your settings, and sometimes it doesn’t connect well, which can be frustrating.

Bluetooth Settings for TV could make your Bluetooth experience smoother, but its own technical issues might get in the way. It’s good for people who need more control over their connections, but if your TV already handles Bluetooth well, you might not need this app.



Bluetooth Settings for TV 2018.08.02 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Wednesday, April 24th 2024

Download options:

Bluetooth Settings for TV APK for Android



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