
AAAD APK for Android


Gabriele Rizzo(Free)

User rating

Free third-party app installer

AAAD is a free program for Android devices that lets users download and install third-party applications to Android Auto. It acts as a platform to use apps that would usually not be available on the driving companion. Fortunately, you can enjoy the app with a non-rooted device.

Android Auto Apps Downloader gives you access to apps outside of Google Play and other official providers. This may sound alarming, but it’s nothing to worry about. The app is entirely safe to use. Better yet, you can download and install it without the need for a computer or any manual installations. 

Android Auto

What is Android Auto? It’s a program developed by Google that makes it easier for Android users to use apps on their phone while driving. It boasts a myriad of features, including making calls and sending messages using voice commands, as well as music streaming.  


With AAAD, you'll get to use apps that the software would not typically allow. If you're worried Android Auto may not offer support for your vehicle, it’s actually likely it will. Over 300 different car models support the software. 


The developer's main goal for AAAD was to find a way around rooting your phone. It saves you both time and effort when you’re trying to install third-party apps. You also won’t need to change any developer options to install it. 

The only concern with using these apps is that there may be technical issues when you open them up, as they don't have Google certification. 


The app is available in two different versions: the free version and the pro version. The free version is restricted to only one download every 30 days. However, the pro version lets you download as much as you want. 

A useful app

Android Auto Apps Downloader gives users a convenient way to access previously unavailable apps. It opens your world up to many new intriguing third-party apps that you can easily integrate into Android Auto. It's well worth the download if you drive often and plan to or already make use of the driving companion.



AAAD 1.4.4 for Android
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 7.0
Latest update:
Monday, November 7th 2022
Gabriele Rizzo

Download options:

AAAD APK for Android


Gabriele Rizzo(Free)

User rating


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