
360 Security - Antivirus APK for Android


Qihoo 360(Free)

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Security Features Of The 360 Security For Android

If you are a security buff or an entrepreneur who is interested in putting your products on the market, then you should definitely read this full review on 360 Security. The popular software is not just an antivirus utility for your Android device; it also comes with a bundle of features that will help you boost security on your Android devices. One of its best features is its Privacy guard, which scans the text and HTML code of any website before loading it on your Android device. This is especially helpful for websites with AdSense or other online advertisements. Other notable security features include Data Center Management, Data Backup, Address book compatibility, and identity protection among others.

The good thing about this antivirus utility is that it is entirely virus-free and does not contain any elements that can be associated with spyware, adware, or any other forms of malware. When first reviewed, it was the most attractive Android antivirus app, and even today it continues to look better. The interface is smoother, and the entire interface is easier to navigate around. It is also a big improvement over its previous version.

From the main screen, you smoothly slide between the Boost, Network, Clean, and Security features. You can switch between them by tapping on the "vrf" feature, or by tapping the "core" icon on the menu. Data Center Management, on the other hand, lets you manage your mobile data from anywhere you go, as long as you have internet access. Finally, Address book compatibility allows you to synchronize your email, contacts, calendar, contacts, TID, and other user information on your device with your desktop PC or laptop computer. The full list of security features included in this app is impressive, so if you are still using an old antivirus app, it's high time you get a 360 Security for Android.




360 Security - Antivirus 3.7.8 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Monday, June 12th 2023
Qihoo 360

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360 Security - Antivirus APK for Android


Qihoo 360(Free)

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